Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012

Strange things happen in this world every day. Sometimes they are noteworthy, other times they come and go and are seldom noticed.
It seems fitting that when strange or odd things take place in public elections, the results should become highly newsworthy and the public (voters) should pay very close attention so as to avoid future oddities. The vote is a very sacred tool given to Americans in a fashion not found in other countries around the world. The vote gives the populace the opportunity to select whom they believe is the best person to represent them in a given elected position. Ideally, individuals will learn about the various candidates for whom they might vote and make their decisions based upon an informed and intelligent review of the persons seeking office.
I have to suppose that the ideal situation does not always exist. Perhaps, just slightly maybe, eligible voters actually go to the polls with absolutely no reasonable purpose and cast their vote in a fit of misguided affiliation or complete ignorance. Perhaps.….
Consider, if you will, the victory given to Alabama Republican, 77 year old Charles Beasley. Mr. Beasley regained his old seat on the Bibb County Commission in Central Alabama winning with 52% of the vote. Great job on the part of his supporters, however Mr. Beasley had passed away on October 12 - several weeks prior to the election. Well informed voters?
A much more important elected position was the Orange County Tax Collector in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Earl K. Wood, a Democrat, was re-elected to the position he had held for 12 terms, nearly half a century! He was just coming into his own and really learning the job requirements at 96 years of age. Despite the fact Mr. Wood was oft criticized for seldom coming into the office, he retained his position with 56% of the vote. Oh yeah, he too had passed away in October – weeks before the election. This might give one pause to consider that not all voters are completely prepared to make the wisest of decisions. At least in this instance only 56% of the voters who actually went to the polls voted for a dead man.
Can it be worse? What about re-electing a Representative to the United States House of Representatives who has not been in his office since summer of 2011? Democrat Jesse Jackson, Jr has held one of the highest elected offices in this nation since a special election in 1995. Among his most recent credentials are his in-patient treatments for bi-polar disorder and deep depression – some particularly worthy attributes for a U.S. Representative. Add to that resume the fact that he is being investigated by both the House Ethics Committee and the FBI for a variety of wrongdoings and criminal activities. Without him even offering a campaign, he has succeeded in retaining his elected office by winning with over 70% of the vote. Surely, the people who have kept him in this high position have some great insider information to which the general population is not privy. Educated vote? Intelligent vote? Informed vote? A vote for a person best suited for the job? A vote cast by individuals concerned about the performance of an elected official? A vote by anyone with any concern for the future of our nation?
And to top it all – Hussein Obama as president. What might I say other than ????????

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