Sunday, October 28, 2012

Social Security

Social Security, by the simplest of explanations, was established as a means for older citizens to be certain of an income in the years after they were no longer employed. The premise was rather simple in that many people in their productive years would contribute to the fund which would be disbursed to a relatively fewer number of retired people and the fund would become self-sustaining. So as to guarantee the solvency of the plan, it became mandatory for all wage earners to contribute. By the same token, all those contributors would be guaranteed a payment in later life. I cannot locate any statements that ever promised the contributed dollars would actually provide as good or better return than had they been invested privately and it was not devised as a necessarily good investment on an individual basis. The plan simply couldn't exist with voluntary contributions. Had the government (better stated as elected officials) not robbed the account with IOU's and transferred Social Security funds throughout the spending process, the plan would have more than enough funds to continue indefinitely. Now, due to the insanity of spending by our elected morons, many in high places with guaranteed retirements are looking at ways to screw us out of that which was promised. I must have missed the fine print where it said if you save on your own and have substantial retirement assets you may not receive Social Security. If that's the way it's ultimately to work, the name may as well be changed to "Socialism Security" - take from those with and give to those without. Everybody contribute but the distribution is based upon "needs". Incredibly, there are many from both parties wanting to change the system to do just that as they are now calling Social Security an "entitlement" program just like welfare and Medicare. Damn right, by actual definition we are "entitled" to receive our Social Security as is everyone who has, or will be, required to contribute. Only by a loud cry made by a huge number of the "unwashed" heard by the "anointed" ones in Washington will we be protected. Anyone who doesn't believe in the power of the pen and the voice need only look at the changing of marriage laws in this country - (hell, I can probably marry my dog in some states). I would like to propose a groundswell movement entitled " Don't U Mess Around (with) Social Security. The acronym being "DUMASS". If word of this movement were to become widespread enough, then all anyone would have to send to their senators and representatives would be one word, DUMASS! I believe it to be a word easily understood by those who were supposed to represent the people who voted for them plus, with certain twisted connotations I'm sure the Washingtonians could apply, even greater meaning might be assigned to the acronym. Folks might actually enjoy mailing or emailing a simple message, DUMASS, to ones who receive a retirement equal to the full amount of their pay for as little as one term in elected office. There has been no discussion as to saving budgetary dollars by using an asset nor income basis for determining retirement for the elite leaders. Please contact your representatives and senators with your feelings on placing Social Security on a needs or asset basis because that would become "Can't Repay Any Promises", or" CRAP" for short. If nobody hears, then nothing gets done. Howie Irwin

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